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Rainbow Six Siege player ‘repaints’ House with one hostage’s blood

One Rainbow Six Siege fan has painted the roof of the house in House with blood from a single hostage in Terrorist Hunt mode

A well-adjusted Rainbow Six Siege player who definitely doesn’t bite the skin off his jelly babies before eating them has ‘repainted’ the roof of the house – in minimalistically titled map ‘House’ – with the blood of a single hostage.

AlbionBoi doesn’t share much about his method, but the implication of his artfully staged screenshot – in which a lone hostage kneels, quiet terror in his eyes, amidst a sea of red – is that he shoots the hostage, spraying blood everywhere, then revives him and moves him to a different part of the roof to repeat the process. Like painting a canvas by hammering the bottom of a tube of paint.

This is possible in the game’s Terrorist Hunt mode, but our resident Siege expert, Jordan Forward, reckons the process must still have taken hours. That seems to be the case from the comments – AlbionBoi says “I’ve got to give the hostage credit. Not many people could take 150 shotgun shells to the face,” and suggests his score after all that hostage murder was “about -70,000”.

One discerning art fan dubiously compares AlbionBoi to noted nice person Bob Ross, while the man himself prefers to cite Jackson Pollock as his primary influence.

Personal anecdote: this reminds me a bit of when I’d use ‘Impulse 101’ to give myself all the guns in the opening sequence of Half-Life, see how creatively I could kill all the scientists, and then see how much blood I could beat out of their corpses with the crowbar.

Huh. Typing that out now, I realise 11-year-old me was a vicious child.