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Save tiny kittens by Steam Greenlighting Edge of Space


Oh dear. As a rule PCGamesN does not negotiate with terrorists, but in a twist somewhat reminiscent of the first episode of contemporary Twilight Zone Black Mirror, we’ve been given a terrible choice to make – either write about Terraria-alike Edge of Space until the thing makes it through Steam Greenlight, or be responsible for the non-saving of tiny, lovely, fluffy kittens.

It’s a quandary alright. But it might be safe to lift that mist of unease ever so slightly, in recognition of the fact that Edge of Space looks quite brilliant, and that publisher Reverb aren’t actually threatening felines but rather threatening to donate $5,000 to cat-savers the Humane Society if the game makes it through Greenlight.

Now the quandary is yours, reader.You can upvote the game, or not,here. Still uneasy? I’ve collated below all the tools needed to make a decision. First, a look at Edge of Space:-

And second, via a recommendation from PCGamesN’s Julian Benson, a look at kittens:-

I’ve a tiny kitten representative on the line right now, and they want to know your answer. So, what’s it to be?