Taking inspiration from Studio Ghibli and Sonic the Hedgehog, Talewind is a whimsical platformer following the journey of a young boy climbing a mountain in the hopes of saving his village.
Your village has always relied on the wind for its survival, but one day the wind begins to fade, and it’s up to you to find out why. Using your magic cape, you need to harness the power of the wind to glide your way through five hand-drawn environments, defeating monsters and bosses that can kill you in just one hit.
We’ve got 50 keys to give away and all you need to do to be in with a chance is enter via the widget below. Each action is worth one entry, so the more you complete, the better your odds! You’ll also need to give us a valid email address, but we promise there’ll be no spam – it’s just to send you the key if you win.
If you win, you’ll be given a code to redeem on Steam. Just click the ‘Add A Game’ button at the bottom of the Steam client window, and ‘Activate a Product on Steam’. Follow the instructions, download the game, and get playing!
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