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The Ship: HD is in development - nautical murder mystery aboard a turn of the century cruise liner

The Ship: HD

In 2006, a team of modders launched The Ship: Murder Party, a murdering game in which you’re assigned a murder-target aboard a cruise ship and must murder your murderee before your own murderer finds and murders you first.

It was and is still a brilliant and perhaps underappreciated classic. And now it’s back, from outer space, in high-definition, with a dark teaser trailer for you to watch. So watch!

The Ship started out as a Half-Life mod before becoming a stand-alone game with The Ship: Murder Party in 2006, and precisely how this HD release will differ from those original versions remains as mysterious as the mystery murders themselves. It’s definitely prettier.

“I loved making The Ship game the first time round,” says Jason Kocemba, technical director at Scottish studio Blazing Griffin. “It was some of the best times I’ve had in the industry. I’m really excited to have the opportunity to work on the HD version of The Ship with a different bunch of awesomely talented folks. It’s a second chance at unfinished business. It’s a little bit like, to (mis)quote The Eagles, “You can disembark any time you like but you can never leave!”

The HD remake is scheduled for released early in 2016.