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Total War: Warhammer won’t get left behind when the sequel comes out


The Total War: Warhammer II developers are working hard to accommodate the original Total War: Warhammer.

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Our Rich spoke with Total War: Warhammer II lead writer Andy Hall about how the game is being tweaked going forward to ensure the individual setpieces in this sequel work in tandem with the original game.

The new tweaks are necessary updates according to Hall, meant to include the new races that will be implemented in the mega campaign Total War: Warhammer II will include.

“It will introduce a lot of new races who will have their own features and unique strengths that wouldn’t necessarily work with what we had in Warhammer 1,” Hall explained. “So we had to go back to Warhammer I content and add new stuff to flesh it out.

For instance, as Hall pointed out during the interview, one thing the team is doing rehauling the capital settlements. “Previously in Warhammer I they had six slots to put buildings in, but now we’ve increased that to eight.”

Similarly, dragons are now able to breathe fire, so changes will be made to ensure all of the dragons in Warhammer I will also be able to breathe fire.

With all the updates and patches incoming to keep the two games viable, developer Mark Sinclair made it clear to us that this wouldn’t start a trend, stating that Total War: Warhammer wouldn’t “be like League of Legends” in that respect.

“We’re going to make sure that these races that were first designed in 2014 can still be competitive with whatever we bring out in Warhammer III, so we’re definitely making sure we’re updating it.”

The team is similarly focused on “making sure [Total War: Warhammer II] is not the poor cousin of Warhammer III or anything like that.”