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Wargaming.net mean to bribe you to change your World of Tanks password


Wargaming.net reported at the weekend that World of Tanks passwords had been hacked, and some personal (though not financial) information compromised. Oh no! But it seems that the looming threat of a stolen identity isn’t enough any more – so much so that the developers have organised a Change Your Password Event to entice players into doing just that.

During the event, every player that switches their current password for something more sensible will receive a 300 gold cash injection directly to their account.

To be eligible, players must wrack their brains for a replacement that contains both upper and lower-case letters, as well as numbers, and which is at least eight characters long.

Got one? Write it down. No, sorry, don’t. Definitely don’t do that. Go to the account management page instead, and choose the Change Password option.

And no, it won’t work a second time, you unscrupulous lot. What’s wrong with you?