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YuGiOh Master Duel secret packs: how to unlock every pack

Everything you need to know about YuGiOh Master Duel secret packs including what they are, how you unlock them, and what they're useful for

Want to know about YuGiOh Master Duel secret packs? These special booster card packs for free-to-play CCG Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel are easy enough to find, given that they’re supposed to be a secret. But things are not as straightforward as you might expect so it’s worth reading up on the details.

Secret packs all follow a particular theme, usually focusing on a specific card or archetype. Each pack is guaranteed to give you four headline cards for that specific pack, the other four cards are randomised. This focus on a particular subject can make them desirable if you’re looking for complimentary cards for something you already own in your collection.

How do you get one of these ‘secret’ packs in the free PC game, and how do you know which one you need? Lucky for you we’re here to tell you everything you need to know – how much they are, how you unlock them, and what you need to know as you try to find them.

How to unlock YuGiOh Master Duel secret packs

Before you unlock a secret pack, make sure you have plenty of gems. Each secret pack costs 100 gems to obtain, which is important as whenever you ‘discover’ a pack you only have 24 hours to purchase it before it disappears again. You can purchase as many copies of that pack as you have gems for, but once that timer has run out you’ll have to ‘find’ the pack again to buy more.

There are two primary methods of unlocking secret packs:

  • Pulling a Super Rare or Ultra Rare card from any booster (including secret packs)
  • Crafting a Super Rare or Ultra Rare card

Doing either of these things will ‘reveal’ the secret pack for the archetype that card is a part of. If a card is part of multiple secret packs, you will ‘reveal’ all of them at the same time. If you acquire a Super or Ultra rarity card that you already have ‘revealed’ the secret pack for, the 24 hour timer is reset.

Which YuGiOh Master Duel secret pack do I need?

As you put together your deck and identify archetypes you want, simply search for a card from the archetype you want in the deck editor, and click “how to obtain”.

This shows you the secret pack you’ll need to gain access to. Then, all you need to do is craft a Super Rare or Ultra Rare from that pack in order to unlock it. You can also check out Yugipedia for a complete list of known secret packs – there are a lot of them now.

That’s everything you need to know about Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel secret packs. For more card game goodness, check out our list of the best card games on PC. If you’re looking for more Master Duel, we’ve got a great guide to the best Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel starter decks. Finally, our sister site, Wargamer, have guides to rare Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and the ongoing Yu-Gi-Oh! banlist in case you’re thinking of taking on the physical game.