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Apex Legends player goes from bronze to master in single, solo 33-hour stream

He only got disconnected once, too

Apex's Horizon using her gravity gun

Someone has only gone and went straight from bronze to master in Apex Legends‘ ranked mode in one sitting. Content creator Timmy ‘iiTzTimmy’ An hopped on a new account to see how far he could climb in a single stream while playing solo and hit the battle royale game’s top rank 33 hours later. I would probably get stuck in platinum and lose interest halfway through, so credit where it’s due.

An’s stream goes as you would expect for a top-rated player. He spends the early parts of the run blasting and pub stomping through the lower tiers before getting more demanding games in Platinum and Diamond. Things still went fairly smoothly, all things told, but some challenges did arise. As An was approaching the end of his run, he got disconnected from a game which set things back a tad. Nevertheless, though, An got back on track and finished up the stream with an eight kill game with 2,543 damage.

This isn’t the first time An has pulled off something impressive in Apex, either. Just last month, he broke the record for the most damage done in a single game. He hit 9,069 (nice) and netted 24 kills in the process.

Here An hitting master rank in Apex:

If you’re curious how Apex Legends ranks work, you can find a guide right there. We also have an Apex Legends tier list to help you decide which Legend you’re picking when you go on your own 33-hour Apex marathon.