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Armored Warfare has an open stress test this month - participants get a 7-day premium pass


Following on from news that Armored Warfare had entered its Early Access 5 phase, Obsidian and My.com have announced that a stress test will take place on September 24-25, where everyone will be free to try the free-to-play tank game. You’ll even get a 7-day premium account for your trouble.

Along with welcoming all players, the stress test will bring new content including a new, “very large” map – Reactor. There will also be 12 new PvE missions (Harbinger, Stormy Winter, Onyx, Perseus, Red Opossum, Rolling Thunder, Kodiak, Starry Night, Anvil, Banshee, Hydra, Sapphire), an overhaul to the weapon group system, a report function for annoying players, audio enhancements, vehicle rebalances and the much requested return of player base building.

The client will be downloadable tomorrow (September 23), so keep an eye out for an announcement on Armored Warfare’s official site.

The aim of the test is to get as many people playing as possible to test the servers and their limits, so expect occasional latency spikes, reduced server stability, and increased latency for non-European players due to server location (Europe).

In addition, purchasing gold will not be possible in the stress test. Progress will however carry over from the Early Access phase for players who previously participated in the Early Access test.