Batman The Telltale Series, the next franchise to receive the master storytelling studio’s golden touch, will arrive in August via digital distribution.
If you want to know what else to look out for on the horizon, here are the best PC games still to come this year.
The exact day in August isn’t known yet, but Telltale have promised the launch trailer next week to give the specific numbers we’re after, so stay tuned.
However, if for some reason you value physical media, like some sort of chump stuck in the past, filling up precious bookshelf space with row after row of plastic that will long outlive you, taunting you from the wall with its non-biodegradable immortality, then you’ll need to wait until September.
The physical disc release will be available from September 13 in North America and September 16 in Europe, and will feature just the first of five episodes supposedly on target to all be release before the end of December this year.
You will also receive the digital Season Pass with the disc, so even if you were trying to avoid breaking a download bandwidth cap you’ll still have to download the other four episodes once they release.
Look, the important thing here is you can get the game in August. That’s not long to wait now for what will surely be one of Telltale’s best outputs, given the season lead for Tales from the Borderlands is on the team. What a game.