Once again, EA are skipping out on E3 proper this year, hosting their own off-site event on the weekend prior to the show. EA Play 2018 will run June 9-11, closing out the night before the E3 show floor opens. They’ve confirmed the “next Battlefield experience” will be on hand and playable at the event.
We’ll soon hear far more on this and other upcoming PC games.
A new Battlefield was confirmed for October 2018 release as part of EA’s last financial report. Anthem’s delay was made official then with a warning not to call it a delay, and the wording in EA’s press release suggests Bioware’s new title won’t be playable for those in attendance. Instead, fans will “get an inside look” at the game.
Upcoming EA Sports titles and The Sims 4 will be on hand, as well as EA’s biggest mobile games, which I’m sure you’re deliriously excited about.
The big stuff will naturally be streamed online, with hosts including “some of the world’s biggest names in social media.” If you’re looking to attend the Hollywood event in person, EA promise a new ticketing system will allow better access to the games at the show. Info for those attending will be made available in the coming months. More likely you’ll be watching from home, in which case you’ve nothing to do but wait for a Twitch stream to start.