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Some activities in Destiny 2 will lock your loadouts


In the latest bit of footage from Destiny 2 via IGN First, Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy discuss their thoughts on what went into making a sequel to a game like Destiny. Interestingly enough, they mentioned that some activities won’t allow you to change up your weapons once you’ve started. 

We know quite a lot about the new classes already – check out our Destiny 2 class guide for more.

Smith compares loadouts to being like a “golf bag,” which players can rifle through to find items they want to bring to each activity. If you’re a fickle player who likes to swap things out a lot, this might be something to keep in mind.

The chat also revolved around making Destiny 2 a tougher game in general, and this change will certainly ensure you sometimes have to roll with the changes you’re served. It might not be favourable to some players, but it could create interesting, challenging dynamics at least.