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This Destiny 2 toaster could be yours for $84.99

Get that bread - and then toast it.

A Destiny 2 toaster and a heap of bread

Soon you’ll be able to treat yourself to an official Destiny 2 toaster – no, I’m serious. Bungie revealed in its latest weekly update blog that you can preorder it on the store right now for $84.99 USD / €87.99 if you fancy it – you’ll even get an emblem to let other players in-game know you’ve got one.

There is a story behind the toaster, mind you. Back in June 2020, Bungie said it’d look into making one if the community raised $777,777.77 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital during one of Bungie’s livestreams supporting the Gaming Community Expo (GCX). Well, the community raised more than $800,000, so Bungie is sticking to its word. On top of that, 10% of profits from sales of the Destiny Toaster is going to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, too.

But why a toaster? “Get that bread” has become somewhat of a community meme centred on getting god-rolled loot or the best static roll weapons the game has to offer, like raid exotics or pinnacle weapons.

“Yes, it will actually toast a Tricorn onto your bread,” Bungie says. “Yes, it comes with a free sandwich container so you can keep your food safe during your quests. Oh, and it comes with the fancy Burnt Edges in-game emblem.”

The rest of the blog post goes over topics such as Prime Gaming rewards and the upcoming Grandmaster Nightfalls, which offer better loot to help you climb to a greater level. If you fancy reading the blog post, you can find it here. Challenges are also coming to Destiny 2’s Vault of Glass, though you may want to check out your guide if you haven’t done it yet.