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Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris gets a dedicated solo playlist this weekend

Bungie explains in a TWAB post that the mode will offer double the usual reputation, but will be entirely optional for Destiny 2 players

Two Destiny 2 players shooting the other team in Trials of Osiris

Bungie is testing out a new playlist for solo players in Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris mode this weekend. While you’ve previously been able to enter the PvP tournament solo, this temporary mode will bar anyone from entering as a pre-made fireteam.

In a This Week at Bungie post, the developer explains that Freelance: Trials Labs will work much like the mode does in the competitive playlist. Everyone enters solo, and there are no pre-made fireteams. You’ve had the option to enter Trials of Osiris solo before, but there was always the risk of coming up against a full fireteam, which can be off putting for some. There’s some extra incentive to test the mode, too, as Bungie is doubling Trials reputation. Don’t worry if you don’t fancy it, though, as the ordinary, group-focused version of Trials isn’t going anywhere this time.

There’s also a new set of seasonal challenges this week. One of which is Trial by Firing Squad, which tasks you with winning 20 rounds over the weekend to earn the Reed’s Regret linear fusion rifle, experience points, and bright dust.

It also looks like Trials is getting a bit spooky this weekend, with Bungie telling players to “be careful when you open doors”. Bungie has tested a few limited-time maps for Halloween before. One removed your radar entirely, while another was stuffed with jump scares, so it looks like the latter might be coming back.

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If you’re curious about the Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris rewards, we keep this post updated each week.