After the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, USA last weekend, Discord Inc, the company behind the popular VoIP app, are in their own small way taking a stand against hate speech and Nazi ideology.
Responding to user complaints, Discord have taken down servers created by alt-right and white supremacist websites along with others linked to the tragedy in Virginia. The company clarified the situation on Twitter, posting a statement along with the message: “Love. Not hate.”
Love. Not hate.
— Discord (@discordapp) August 14, 2017
Like clockwork, certain Twitter users started demanding that Discord treat left and antifa servers in the same way. Discord’s social media manager responded with a bit more class than I would have.
We take action against any servers that are found to be violating our Guidelines and ToS, esp for inciting violence against people…
— Discord (@discordapp) August 14, 2017
It’s comforting to see Discord taking this kind of action, even if it is just following its own ToS. It’s just a shame that ‘No Nazis Allowed’ isn’t standard practise. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Twitter.
I’ve closed the comments on this for obvious reasons.