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Discord show white supremacists the door


After the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, USA last weekend, Discord Inc, the company behind the popular VoIP app, are in their own small way taking a stand against hate speech and Nazi ideology. 

Responding to user complaints, Discord have taken down servers created by alt-right and white supremacist websites along with others linked to the tragedy in Virginia. The company clarified the situation on Twitter, posting a statement along with the message: “Love. Not hate.”

Like clockwork, certain Twitter users started demanding that Discord treat left and antifa servers in the same way. Discord’s social media manager responded with a bit more class than I would have.

It’s comforting to see Discord taking this kind of action, even if it is just following its own ToS. It’s just a shame that ‘No Nazis Allowed’ isn’t standard practise. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Twitter.

I’ve closed the comments on this for obvious reasons.