BioWare announced the first Dragon Age Netflix series during Geeked Week, Dragon Age: Absolution. It’s an animated series launching on Netflix in December 2022, and while it takes place in a location familiar to Dragon Age: Inquisition fans, the ensemble is entirely new. The news comes just days after BioWare announced the official name of Dragon Age 4.
Absolution will take place in Tevinter, a key location in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and features a fresh cast of characters drawn from Dragon Age lore, including elves, knights, Qunari, demons, and mages. BioWare and Netflix also teased “other special surprises” for the cast, and while there’s still no word yet on when in Dragon Age’s timeline Absolution falls, we’d be surprised if there’s not at least the smallest hint of connection to some of the franchise’s more well-known figures.
Mairghread Scott (Guardians of the Galaxy series) is Dragon Age: Absolution’s showrunner, and Red Dog Culture House will produce the show. Red Dog is also handling The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf for Netflix and worked on Good Hunting, an animated short included in the Love, Death + Robots compilation.
For now, we can see some of the cast in action in the first Dragon Age: Absolution trailer. Even though we don’t really know what’s going on just yet, it looks like the series has a lot in store.
The trailer switches between caves, tense battles outside what seems to be a desert temple, bloodstained faces, and a giant, floating golden ring. If popular culture has taught us anything, it’s that golden rings, especially sentient ones, tend to spell bad news for everyone around them.
While we’re keen to find out the story behind this one, it’s the characters that hold the most potential. BioWare has been reflecting on Dragon Age’s characters quite a bit recently, realizing that Dragon Age 2’s cast is what earned the game its devotees and promising the most interesting and well-developed characters to date in Dragon Age 4.