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EverQuest Next Landmark colonises closed beta - and you can buy your way in

All of this land in Landmark can be yours - for a small fee.

As new colonies go, EverQuest Next Landmark – to be renamed Landmark, so’s to avoid confusion with its sister MMO – doesn’t ask much of you. There are no weeks-long journey over rocky seas to endure; no locals to bribe or bully or bash with clubs; just a one-time fee of $19.99.

Buy a Founder’s Pack and you’ll get instant access to Landmark’s closed beta. You’ll also get a couple of patronising trinkets to denote your Founder status to fellow players – but the main draw is an early way into Sony Online’s MMO-via-Minecraft.

“We’re utilizing Closed Beta to make development a collaborative process,” write SOE. “Founder’s Packs grant you unrestricted access to the Landmark Closed Beta, so you can help create the world of Landmark.”

The $19.99 offering is called the Settler’s Pack – and only makes up the lowest rung of a three-tiered payment choice.

At $59.99, you can couple your beta access with an expanded inventory and a 10% bonus to all resource gathering – not to be sniffed at, as a lack of resources was forever interfering with the architectural flow of our Rich in the Landmark alpha.

There’s a $99.99 Trailblazer Pack, too – which sweetens the Explorer’s Pack deal with a bonus to crafting. What you’re really paying for is a four-pack of beta keys to distribute as you see fit – though four copies of the Settler’s Pack will leave you $20 better off.

Are you lot tempted at all? Rich called Landmark a “corporate take on the sandbox” – but confirmed that the construction side is every bit as good as promised.