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One of 2023’s best space games drops huge free update and 50% off sale

The Everspace 2 Incursions release date is here as the spaceship combat game moves to UE5, adds new legendary loot, and a lot more.

Everspace 2 Incursions out now: a close up of a man in white astronaut armor

A loot-driven flight RPG, Everspace 2 was one of the best space games of 2023, and perfect for those of us who thought Starfield could use some speedier ship combat and a smattering of Diablo’s loot system. Now, the new free Everspace 2 Incursions update is here, bringing with it an upgraded engine, new legendary loot, more combat opportunities, and plenty more to satiate both new and returning players alike. If you’ve never played it, Everspace 2 is also 50% on Steam for a limited time.

Developer Rockfish Games has previously called the free Everspace 2 Incursions update “one of our biggest yet,” and it’s easy to see why. Out now, the patch for the space game is brimming with changes. It’s moved from UE4 to Unreal Engine 5, added loads of brand-new ship cosmetics, improved the photo mode, introduced new legendary gear and catalysts, and last but not least, Rockfish has added the new Incursion events.

Incursions are an endgame combat challenge designed to test your piloting skills and give you new, even better rewards for your success. You’ll start seeing Incursions after a ‘rift-related point’ in Everspace 2’s story on your map, so be sure to check them out. The horde-style challenges task you with defeating swathes of enemy ships and destroying their beacon. A large loot drop follows, offering the chance to get legendary items and weapons.

There are 15 new legendary items to find and nine legendary catalysts to discover. You’ll have a chance to find legendary items in Reliqaury treasure boxes after Incursions, with Catalysts showing up in high-risk areas.

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Veteran Everspace 2 players will also be greeted by a new rift lunacy cap of 2,000, giving you even more challenges with new stage mutators and better boss variation. You’ll need the new legendary items if you want to survive this, though.

There’s also PS4 Dualshock and PS5 DualSense controller support if that’s how you prefer to play, alongside a bevy of photo mode adjustments to help you get that perfect snap of your ship.

Last but certainly not least is Everspace 2’s migration to Unreal Engine 5, which Rockfish has used to overhaul the visuals of the game and add Lumen global illumination, Nvidia DLSS 3.5 upscaling, AMD FSR 3.0, and Intel XeSS depending on your hardware. All of these features are optional, too, so if your rig can’t quite handle it or you prefer how Everspace 2 used to look, that’s all good.

Everspace 2 Incursions out now: a menu screen showing Everspace 2's new loot

The Everspace 2 Incursions update is live now, with the patch notes available on Steam alongside a 50% off sale running up to Monday May 6, so expect to pay $24.99 / £22.49 until then.

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