I’ve been following GoD Factory: Wingmen’s development with a cautious eye for the past year now. It’s ticking a whole lot of boxes on the list of good space shooter features – 4 v 4 dogfights, capital ships, ridiculous levels of fighter customisation, mechanics encouraging co-operative teams – and it looks damn pretty, too.
Though all its spikes and colours may not be to everyone’s tests.
And now GoD Factory’s taken to Kickstarter to round off its development,
As you can see, GoD Factory is particularly colourful.
Take that away and you’re left with what, on paper, sounds like a space shooter that’s pulling in a rarely-walked direction. We’ve had space shooters that do dogfights really well, and within that you can work as a team and that will often play to your favour, but GoD Factory is pushing for co-operative play to be essential. Fighter against fighter will be a long struggle to zero health but with two on one it will be significantly faster due to the way the game calculates damage – different ammo types work in tandem to do much more damage than one fired solo.
It sounds pretty neat.
Also, the customisation tools on show look to offer for a vast variety of ship designs. That’s no bad thing when it comes to recognising your wingmen in a cinch.
Developer Nine Dots are looking to raise $70,000 through Kickstarter. This, they say, will take them to the point that they can release a paid-for alpha which they hope will raise them the funds needed to complete development of the game.
So, it’s not as straightforward as other Kickstarters and I don’t know how comfortable I’d be backing a game to get to the point that it can start seeking further funding, as opposed to simply backing for the full development costs.
To be clear, Kickstarter backers are paying for a full version of the game when it’s released. If it’s released. It’s just there’s the alpha-funding stage to get through after Kickstarter, too.