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Creepy prison horror Inmates is out in two days - here’s the launch trailer

Inmates release date

What’s worse than being in prison? Being in one of those weird dream prisons where everything’s just a bit messed up, clearly. Such is your fate in Inmates, which blends the border between reality and nightmare as you wander, and attempt to escape, a rotten prison facility. Everything from the guards to the very concept of light appears to be trying to kill you in the launch trailer.

For horror in a more undead genre, try the best zombie games on PC.

It’s out in a couple of days, having been announced on a short release schedule just a few weeks ago. As far as spooky claustrophobic horror-puzzlers go it looks pretty good, the right blend of mysterious terror and aching anxiety.

No word on a demo, but we’re not expecting it at full price as it’s 3-4 hours long according to the press release. It’s well timed here, in the month of spooks, and will hit on October 5 – grab it on Steam.