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Keystone is an interdimensional sci-fi CCG FPS that begins via a board game


Warframe developers Digital Extremes have announced their new game, Keystone, a bizarre blend of deckbuilding and face-shooting. If that’s piqued your interest, there’s a closed alpha soon. 

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Looking like the cover of a ‘70s pulp sci-fi novel, Keystone starts out on the first square of a magic board game, transporting players between dimensions where they’ll battle in out in FPS action, using both weapons and powers.

Players will also be building up a deck and collecting cards, with which they can deploy boosts and other tide-turning abilities. These decks will work in synergy with your teammates’ cards, too, so Digital Extremes promise plenty of tactical scope for those who like working together.

“The long-running success of Warframe has enabled us to build up a second internal team to create a wholly different but equally satisfying game concept that we’re really excited about,” said Sheldon Carter, studio head at Digital Extremes.

“Keystone originates from our roots in the FPS world and mixing genres like we have done with Warframe. We believe there’s room to expand the confines of what defines a good FPS and hope our community will see the potential and get on board for the ride.”

You can sign up for the closed alpha at the Keystone site. The alpha will run from May 26-29. If you’re invited to the first wave, you’ll know by May 25.