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League of Legends patch 5.18 gets things ready for the World Championships

League of Legends 5.18

League of Legends patch 5.18 is a big one, since it’s what the League of Legends World Championships will be played on. “That’s a lot of pressure for one patch,” says Riot, “but we believe in its ability to provide a fine-tuned experience for pros, spectators and average joes alike.”

Meaningful options is the buzz-term for this patch. It’s not about nerfs or buffs, though there is a wee bit of that, but rather making sure that teams are able to try out non-standard strategies and experiment and put them into practice.

“Our changes this patch reflect a commitment to that mentality, powering down the dominant picks that threaten to take an axe to diversity (lookin’ at you, Darius) while also handing out some feel-good buffs to once-great staples (like Twitch) to stir the pot and set the stage for an open playing field.”

20 champions have been fiddled with to varying degrees, from Twitch now stealthing faster in combat to the longer list of changes applied to Mordekaiser, whose base stats are lower in the early game, can now self-cast Harvesters of Sorrow, and has improved healing versus champions.

Bug fixes, new features in the Instant Feedback System and HUD updates are also included in 5.18. A new skin for Kalista has also been teased, which is the header image above.

Take a gander at the full patch notes.