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Struggling survival game gets new feature players have been asking for

Nightingale is slowly turning itself around after a rough launch with the latest update adding some much needed and requested features.

Struggling survival game gets new feature players have been asking for: A character from Nightingale stands with arms akimbo as if casting a spell.

With a gaslamp world as evocative as that found in Nightingale, it’s been a real disappointment that it hasn’t quite achieved everything it promised to be. There’s still time to improve, however, as the game is still firmly in its Steam Early Access period. The most recent update may be proof that Nightingale is turning a corner, with several player requested features hitting the game.

The 0.30 update has just landed for the survival game, continuing the developer’s efforts to insert much needed upgrades into Nightingale. The biggest and most requested feature in this patch is the addition of an offline mode, letting players get into the game without a constant internet connection. “Offline Mode was something that we had always planned on bringing to Nightingale,” Inflexion Games CEO Aaryn Flynn says in a statement accompanying the update. “But we really underestimated how important it would be for a number of players at our Early Access launch.”

The developer is transparent that this current release of offline mode will have some teething problems, the most impactful of which is tied to performance. Players who intend to play in offline mode will have to turn down some settings to get the same smooth experience as before. Inflexion Games does intend to work on this issue in future patches, optimizing performance so players will be able to restore their settings.

Alongside the ability to play offline, several new updates are now available in-game, many of which have come directly from the community. Options to build from storage, skip the game’s tutorial, edit your existing character directly from the game menu, and new player body types and character loadouts have all come from feedback. There’s plenty in the update in addition to community requests, with bug fixes, changes to tree-felling, UI alterations, and much more.

Inflexion Games has also taken this opportunity to launch a new platform for collation of player feedback. Named Aha!, it aims to act as a central hub for all community requests and bug reports going forward.

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If you’d like to get the full lowdown on this new update, you can head over to the Steam announcement for the patch notes.

Should this have you diving into the game for the first time, our Nightingale guide will get you all the tips and tricks you need. Or if you want something else, our sandbox games guide should get you started with your next favorite title.

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