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No Rest for the Wicked update makes finding the perfect build easier

No Rest for the Wicked patch 2 brings plenty of improvements to the promising new ARPG, including the ability to respec and try out weapons.

No Rest for the Wicked update makes finding a perfect build easier - A woman grits her teeth.

With Diablo 4 Season 4 refreshing Blizzard’s mammoth RPG, Last Epoch proving a worthy contender to the throne, and Path of Exile 2 lurking ever closer in the shadows, it’s a fantastic time to be an ARPG fan. But if you’ve yet to try newcomer No Rest for the Wicked, from acclaimed indie dev Moon Studios, you’re missing out on a bold new twist on the genre inspired heavily by the weighty satisfaction of Dark Souls. Now, with the arrival of No Rest for the Wicked patch 2, finding your favorite build just got much simpler.

The second major patch for No Rest for the Wicked is “chock full of highly requested features,” Moon Studios notes, including the ability to respec your character’s stats and try out weapons that you can’t currently use. There’s also a whole list of quality-of-life upgrades, balance changes, and performance improvements as the soulslike action RPG continues its early access journey.

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Given how important your stats are to crafting your character, there have naturally been a lot of calls for the ability to respec in No Rest for the Wicked. The good news is you can now do exactly that – you’ll need to spend one Fallen Ember per point returned, but there’s no additional cost to spend them again.

Further to this, you can now equip all weapons regardless of attribute requirements, allowing you to try out anything you find. If you don’t meet the requirements, the weapon will be ineffective, but you can get a feel for how it plays and decide if you want to spec – or respec – into using it. You can also ‘dock’ an item in your inventory to easily compare it with other items, further helping you find that perfect loadout.

The ‘miscellaneous’ category has returned to your inventory, and will hold all those items like housing bits, Runes, Fallen Embers, and so on that didn’t really have a suitable home, which should free up your other categories. Vendor inventories have been organized by item type to make it easier to find what you’re looking for, and there are new enchantments to discover. Balance-wise, Throw Runes and the Focus Regeneration Enchantment have both been nerfed a little.

No Rest for the Wicked patch 2 - Item comparisons in the new update.

There’s a whole heap more in this update beyond all that, too. Visual effects including blood have been ramped up, audio has been given a big upgrade with a focus on ambient noise and scenery interaction effects, several enemies get improved animations, and there are new NPC dialogue options and shop items to discover. That’s still not all. You’ll also spot cinematic improvements, performance tweaks, plenty of bug fixes, and some localization changes, making it a great time to return and check out what’s new.

No Rest for the Wicked patch 2 is out now on Steam. You can read through the extensive full patch notes courtesy of Moon Studios for all the specifics.

If you’re looking for more of the best games like Diablo, we’ve picked out all the essentials to check out in 2024. Alternatively, if the more methodical pace of No Rest for the Wicked is to your liking, you’ll be well served by the best soulslike games on PC.

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