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Brigitte is now live in Overwatch - but not in Competitive

overwatch brigitte release date

Update, March 20: Overwatch’s latest hero is ready for action on regular servers.

Brigitte, the latest addition to the Overwatch roster, has completed her stay on the PTR and is now ready for action on regular servers, as we’ve been expecting. Launch Battle.net, load the latest update, and you’re ready for action. If you want to try her out in Competitive, though, you’ll be waiting until season 10 to do so.

Check out everything you need to know about Brigitte’s weapons and abilities.

If you’ve missed out on the details so far, Brigitte is Torbjorn’s daughter, an engineer who lends support abilities in battle. She’s got a Barrier Shield to absorb danach, and can provide Repair Packs for quick healing or armour boosts to allies at full health. Her ult is Rally, which gives a big armour boost to teammates and increases her own speed.

The latest patch also includes the confirmed nerfs to Sombra, which should make fights against the hacker a little bit more enjoyable.

Original story, March 15:Brigitte has been tossing flails and dropping armour packs on the PTR for the past couple of weeks, but it won’t be long at all until we see the armoured support hit the live game. Not much surprise on the release date, but Blizzard have gone ahead and confirmed that Brigitte will be playable on live servers starting with the March 20 update.

She’s already gotten some balance tweaks in her short stay on the PTR, which should ensure that she doesn’t completely overpower the rest of the cast in the live game. But really, who’s going to try holding Torb’s daughter back?

The announcement came alongside a video detailing the process behind Brigitte’s design, which is well worth a watch if you like your behind-the-scenes info.

With Brigitte moving off test servers next week, we’d expect the next PTR to show the exact results of the planned Sombra nerfs. Stick around for detail as they come from Blizzard.