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Rime has been cracked - the pirates claim removing Denuvo halts stuttering issues

Rime Denuvo

Well that didn’t take long, did it? Rime has only been out five days and it’s been cracked already, joining Resident Evil VII as the fastest-cracked Denuvo-protected game on the market. It seems like Denuvo’s crown is slipping. 

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Not only has Rime been cracked, but the pirates also claim that Denuvo was directly responsible for performance troubles, namely stuttering. According to them, the anti-tamper tech is constantly sending signals to check if the game is legit, impacting performance.

Rime developers Tequila Works recently said that they would remove Denuvo if the game was cracked, so hopefully we’ll be able to verify whether or not that is the case soon.

We’ve reached out to both Denuvo and Tequila Works for comment and we’ll update if we hear back.

Cheers, DSOG.