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Shadow Warrior 2 is real, if this silent teaser has anything to say about it

Shadow Warrior 2

Update: the silent teaser has magically turned into a fully voiced announcement trailer. Because ninjas.

Have you been feeling the itch? Yes, that one – the urge to slice and dice your foes with the sharpest of katanas, followed by a spray of bullets from a submachine gun. If you’ve just been silently nodding to all of that, then boy do I have a treat for you.

Shadow Warrior 2 is a thing, if publisher Devolver Digital and their teasing is anything to go by: a silent video of people looking armed and angry by the looks of it.

Update: Devolver Digitaljust released the actual announcement trailer for the sequel, so we’ve replaced the silent teaser with it. And it comes complete with voice acting. Yay!

Classy, right? Funnily enough, it was only two months ago when the original Shadow Warrior recieved a huge patch, giving it new content and better support for modern day machines. If this has you all nostalgic, you should probably go check it out.

With E3 around the corner (yikes), I’m sure we’ll hearing a lot more about Shadow Warrior 2, and exactly what it entails. Got any ideas yourself?