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Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion adds player strongholds and guild flagships

Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion adds player strongholds and guild flagships

BioWare has revealed the details of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s upcoming housing expansion which was teased a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, it’s all a bit pointless. Almost entirely cosmetic, real estate in The Old Republic’s only practical use is that it provides another place for you to store your crap and check your mail. Guilds will also be able to get their own strongholds, ships in fact, and yes, they are pretty pointless too.

Homeowners will be able to display trophies earned in battle and craft furniture, and the more you add to your stronghold, the more prestige you earn. What’s the purpose of this prestige you ask? Well, it’s so you can move up the leaderboards. The homeowner leaderboards. Be the best person who owns an apartment you can be.

Subscribers will get a special apartment on the seedy world of Nar Shaddaa when early access kicks off on June 24th, but the expansion will also be available to free players in August. Homes can be purchased on the faction homeworlds of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas.