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The best meta TFT comps for Set 11 - Patch 14.14

The best Teamfight Tactics comps are ever-evolving - fortunately our TFT tier list has all the best Set 11 meta comps in one handy place.

TFT comps meta: a Pengu penguin next to Alune, with other Teamfight Tactics characters in the background

What are the best TFT comps? Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables has had its fair share of highs and lows when it comes to the meta, but as we hurtle toward its conclusion it’s certainly looking like a dream for reroll enjoyers. As you’ll see from our compilation of the top TFT comps on Patch 14.14, four-cost carries are in a bit of a precarious spot – they’re certainly not as flexible as they have been in previous sets.

However, if you like to sit back, relax (kind of), and roll your way to top four finishes, then the TFT meta right now is made for you. The auto-chess game only has one more patch in it before it ticks over to Set 12, Magic N’ Mayhem, so make sure you read on to learn the Teamfight Tactics tech that’ll help you hit your peak before the season ends.

TFT comps

Here are the best meta TFT comps for Set 11 on Patch 14.14: 

TFT comps: Dragonlord Irelia

TFT Dragonlord Irelia comp

Dragon Board Super.

  • Comp type: Fast 9
  • Units: Riven, Janna, Diana, Soraka, Galio, Lee Sin, Irelia, Wukong, Rakan, Kayle (Storyteller 3)
  • Traits: Dragonlord x4, Altruist x3, Storyweaver x3, Bruiser x2, Duelist x2
  • Recommended Augments: Blistering Strikes (Silver), Pandora’s Items (Silver), Clear Mind (Gold), Cluttered Mind (Gold), Enter the Dragon (Gold), Dragonlord Crest (Gold), Raining Gold+ (Gold), Dragonlord Crown (Prismatic), Hedge Fund++ (Prismatic), Level Up! (Prismatic)

The TFT Dragonlord Irelia comp is a challenging yet incredibly rewarding one to play out. Success with this comp is predicated on being able to hit multiple two-star five-cost units – chiefly Irelia – as well as four Dragonlord. For this comp to work, you’ll have to Fast 9, which is quite the feat in the current meta with so many low-cost reroll comps around willing to rip away your health points. However, if you can hit Level 9 at 5-1 with a stable board and a booming eco, you’re laughing.

Typically, there are two conditions you need to fulfill before we’d recommend pursuing this comp. Firstly, you need to be strong enough early that you can go on a long win streak and generate plenty of gold. Additionally, you’ll need to snag a strong eco augment on 2-1 or 3-2 – whether it generates gold or XP – that can help accelerate your leveling.

For openers, you want to be looking to build the strongest board possible to try and get your win streak going. Getting early Storyweavers Garen, Sivir, and Riven is ideal for the bonus Kayle, but if there are opportunities to two-star units like Darius – arguably the strongest one-cost in the set – then always opt for the strongest possible board. Regardless of which way you end up streaking, commit to it at least until the end of Stage 2.

If you haven’t been offered a good enough eco augment by 3-2, then look to pivot. The good news is Storyweavers are important to another top TFT comp on this list – Warden Teemo – so they’re never a wasted commodity. If you do hit and are still streaking, though, then go through the motions and, hopefully, you’ll be angling for a first-place finish.

For items, find a good balance between tank and DPS itemization early – slamming an early Gargoyle Stoneplate, for example, will help make your frontline impregnable, allowing for easy Ws. Wardens like Jax and Shen who synergize with Garen can be used as item holders during the early stages. Likewise, Sivir can hold Irelia’s items. It should be noted that the Dragonlord Emblem shown on Wukong is completely optional, but it will allow you to cap out your board even harder.

TFT comps: Reaper Kayn

TFT Reaper Kayn comp

(Do Fear) the Reaper.

  • Comp type: Level 7 reroll
  • Units: Kha’Zix, Rek’Sai, Aatrox, Kindred, Yone, Galio, Kayn, Sylas
  • Traits: Reaper x4, Bruiser x4, Ghostly x2, Umbral x2, Dryad x2
  • Recommended Augments: Silver Veil (Silver), Team Building (Silver) Gargantuan Resolve (Gold), Grim Harvest (Gold), Not Today (Gold), Reaper Crest (Gold), Reaper Crown (Prismatic), Phreaky Friday (Prismatic), Prismatic Ticket (Prismatic), Tiny, but Deadly (Prismatic)

The TFT Reaper Kayn comp is a slightly trickier reroll board to play than the others in this guide because you’re going to be rolling for a three-cost carry at Level 7, rather than a two-cost carry on Level 6. However, if you can get to 3-5 with plenty of gold and health in the bank, then you’ll be able to eviscerate pretty much any other board in the lobby.

For this board to work, you’re going to need to accrue four Reapers – Kha’Zix, Kindred, Yone, and Kayn. Not only will you be looking to three-star your Yone, but you’ll want to three-star your Kindred as well if you can. Once operation reroll has been a success, you can look to accrue Kayns to your heart’s content.

To potentially cap this board even harder, you can opt into Shen and Ornn over Rek’Sai and Aatrox, dropping two weaker Bruisers in favor of two Behemoths. Realistically, you won’t be able to transition into this late-game board until you’re Level 8, have already three-starred both Kindred and Yone, and have secured your two-star Kayn.

For openers, you want to be on the lookout for Kha’Zix, Kobuko Rek’Sai, and Kindred to establish two Bruisers, two Dryads, and two Reapers. Drop Kobuko as soon as you find Aatrox. At Level 6, you’ll hopefully have a stray Yone to throw in and start itemizing, alongside Shen for Ghostly.

At this point you have a great frontline pivot point, and can either tech into four Bruisers or the aforementioned two-and-two with Behemoth depending on what you hit later on. Should all go to plan, your team should be more than durable enough to survive through the early rounds, or at least take minimal damage should you lose streak.

Itemization-wise, we’re looking at lots of BF Swords, Sparring Gloves, and Recurve Bows to make the required items. Champions like Gnar, Volibear, and Yorick can hold the completed items early on until you hit Yone.

TFT comps: Sage Lux

TFT Sage Lux comp

Let’s light ‘em up!

  • Comp type: Level 6 reroll
  • Units: Janna, Lux, Zyra, Amumu, Diana, Illaoi, Annie, Morgana
  • Traits: 3x Sage, 2x Arcanist, 2x Dragonlord, 2x Ghostly, 2x Invoker, 2x Porcelain, 2x Warden
  • Recommended Augments: Pandora’s Items (Silver), Team Building (Silver), Boiling Point (Gold), Learning to Spell (Gold), Magic Wand (Gold), Prismatic Ticket (Prismatic)

The TFT Sage Lux comp is a powerful reroll board that hinges on three-starring its two Porcelain pieces, Amumu and Lux. As with other two-cost reroll comps you’ll want to hit Level 6 by 3-2, and begin slowly rolling to 50 gold every round as you search for the Lady of Luminosity. It’s imperative that you hit Lux and Janna, otherwise you’re looking at a hard eighth. If you can afford to three-star Zyra while you’re at it, great, but it’s not a necessary win-con.

For openers, you’ll want to try and pick up two Wardens where possible from Garen, Jax, or Gnar – bonus points if you snag an early Amumu. Play Ahri (or Neeko) alongside Lux for two Arcanist, and you’re good to go. At Level 6, begin rolling for Lux, picking up all the Amumus and Jannas you can. During this time, you’ll want to also pick up all of the extra Zyras you find, but don’t be precious about keeping them if you need more gold.

By the time you hopefully hit, your Level 6 board should consist of Amumu, Diana, Illaoi, Janna, Lux, and Zyra. From there, you should be strong enough roll over most boards up until the end of Stage 4. By this time, you should hopefully be at least Level 7, preferably Level 8. At Level 7, you can add an Alune for Invoker, or throw in something tanky if your frontline requires reinforcements. Ideally, you’ll naturally find either an Annie or Morgana here to slot in instead but don’t roll for either until you’re Level 8.

On the items front, you’ll want to get a Spear of Shojin on Lux and Janna – mana generation is very important. Although you won’t have damage upfront, if you can get an Ionic Spark on Amumu early on then you’re set to blow. From there, we’d recommend the tried-and-true Gargoyle/Redemption combo on Amumu, as well as plenty of strong AP items on Lux (and Janna if you have leftover components).

TFT comps: Warden Teemo

TFT Warden Teemo comp

Global Taunt.

  • Comp type: Level 6 reroll
  • Units: Garen, Sivir, Lux, Teemo, Amumu, Illaoi, Zoe, Nautilus
  • Traits: 4x Warden, 3x Arcanist, 3x Storyweaver, 2x Porcelain, 2x Trickshot
    Recommended Augments: Pandora’s Items (Silver), Team Building (Silver), Arcanist Emblem (Gold), Lucky Ricochet (Gold), Spirit Guardians (Gold), Arcanist Crown (Prismatic), Prismatic Ticket (Prismatic)

The TFT Warden Teemo comp is a devilishly devious reroll board that prioritizes a strong, four-Warden frontline, as well as a three-star copy of everyone’s favorite agent of chaos, Teemo – just us? Anyway… As is standard with two-cost reroll boards, you’re going to need to get to 3-2 with plenty of gold in the bank, hit Level 6, and begin slow rolling to 50 gold every round until three-star Teemo comes home.

Kicking off then, we’re looking for the three low-cost Storyweavers – Garen, Riven, and Sivir – to start us off right. Throw in a Teemo at Level 4 if you have him and you’re good to go. Don’t worry about two-starring anything (apart from Teemo if you’re lucky) for now – you’re going to want to eco as hard as possible (this will most likely result in a lose streak) until you reach 3-2 and can hit Level 6.

When you do reach Level 6, begin rolling. Maintain your comp until you hit both Amumu and Zoe, at which point you can toss out Riven and whatever else you put in on Level 5 – unless it’s a Lux or Illaoi, you’ll want to keep them. By the time you reach the end of Stage 3, your board should hopefully consist of Garen, Sivir, Lux, Teemo, Amumu, and Zoe. If you get lots of Lux copies, great, three-star her. If she’s heavily contested, two-star her and call it a day. As soon as you hit three-star Teemo, head to Level 7 and add Illaoi.

At this point, you can either choose to slow roll for three-star Amumu, or make your way to Level 8 and add Nautilus. You need stability to give Teemo time to cook, so choose depending on how hard you’re winning or losing. Some thinking points:

  • If you’re still losing heavily, or have little to no gold left, then staying on Level 7 and going for Amumu is your best bet for survival.
  • If you’re winning hard and have plenty of gold to spare, you can level up and add Nautilus.
    • If you already have lots of Amumus then there’s a good chance you’ll hit him at Level 8.
    • If you don’t already have lots of Amumus, there’s no point wasting tons of gold and tempo rolling when two-star Nautilus will provide a bigger spike in what’s likely to be less time. You can still natural Amumus as you work towards leveling.

Whatever you choose to do, do note that there is another unit that can either help you stabilize on Level 7, or make your frontline pretty much impenetrable on Level 8 – Galio. While you’ll have to swap out Zoe for him, sacrificing some damage in the process, Galio can either offer up that extra oomph you need to stay alive, or a way to cap your board harder if you have kitted out three-star copies of Teemo and Lux.

Okay, item time. The most important item in this comp is Blue Buff – you need the mana generation otherwise Teemo isn’t going to be able to make TFT board fondue. Nashor’s Tooth is also very important to him. Frontline itemization is fairly cut and dry – Gargoyle Stoneplate, Redemption, Warmog’s Armor are our go-to’s, though you can flex to Dragon’s Claw or Bramble Vest depending on which carries the lobby’s playing. If you can get a Statikk Shiv onto Lux to shred resistances, great, but that’s not necessary if you manage to get the Blighting Jewel Artifact for Teemo.

There are a couple of variations of Teemo reroll, providing plenty of flexibility. If anything, we actually prefer playing Teemo over Lux as it’s not contested nearly as often, doesn’t rely on hitting multiple two-star units (Mort, pls), and you get to sit smugly as you watch enemy boards melt before your eyes. We’re looking at 8,000+ damage per round from Teemo alone.

Trickshot Teemo

  • Units: Sivir, Riven Teemo, Amumu, Illaoi, Galio, Kai’Sa, Xayah

We’ve had great success with this variant when Lux is heavily contested. Here you want to opt for Riven as your third storyteller early on, before adding Bard and Kai’Sa to your board on levels seven and eight respectively. If you hit Xayah at eight, throw her in over Bard and run her as your secondary carry. Otherwise, look to itemize Kai’Sa. If you’re not getting past Level 8, swap Garen for Galio to get a two Bruiser, two Warden frontline. However, if you can reach Level 9, look to add Sett (or Nautilus if you can’t hit) as your fourth Warden.

Inkshadow Trickshot Teemo

  • Units: Sivir, Riven, Teemo, Aatrox, Galio, Kai’Sa, Sylas, Udyr, Xayah

The other variation we’ve seen out in the wild is a comp that prioritizes early Inkshadow over Storyteller in which you pick up Jax, Senna, and Aatrox. This grants Teemo the Tattoo of Toxin, which is pretty gnarly considering how well it synergizes with him. You’re also going to be stacking four Bruisers for your frontline, rather than Wardens – a great alternative if lots of Amumus and Illaois are out of the pool by the time you start rerolling in earnest. Once again, look to utilize Kai’Sa as your second carry unless you hit Xayah at Level 8. Add Udyr at Level 9.

And that’s our full rundown of the best TFT comps Set 11 has to offer. If you can’t wait for Set 12, check out Lauren’s scoop on the new charm mechanic and why one of them is “almost impossible” to get. While you wait, be sure to check out more of the best multiplayer games you can pass the time with. If you’re interested in something a bit more analog, then check out how to play chess – Elo’s Elo, after all.