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2023’s top soulslike turns into a roguelike with huge final update

Lords of the Fallen's roadmap is complete with the 1.5 Master of Fate update and it might just bring you back to the divisive soulslike.

2023's top soulslike turns into a roguelike with huge final update: A warrior from Lords of the Fallen stands in front of a dark forest scene, with a red light striking the sky behind.

If there was ever a game that had an overwhelming amount of ambition infused throughout it but needed a little more work, it was last year’s Lords of the Fallen. Its twin-world structure absolutely dripped with potential but some design choices and a host of performance issues led it away from the light, leaving it suffering since launch with its Steam reviews muddling around the mixed mark.

It’s safe to say that Lords of the Fallen has come a long way. In our review we called out how much we admired how the soulslike game had ideas in spades but unfortunately it didn’t quite manage to stick the landing. Developer Hexworks hasn’t stood still on the game, releasing a slew of updates that have improved performance, added new quests, rebalanced difficulty, introduced new spells, and much more. After over 30 patches the developer’s impressive roadmap is complete with the release of this update.

The core of the 1.5 patch, titled Master of Fate, revolves around a new roguelike series of modifiers players can apply to new games. These include randomizing loot and enemy placement, ironman modes, adding more enemies, removing all rest areas resulting in a much more brutal game, among others. Accessible to everyone starting a new game or entering new game plus modes, it promises to shake up Lords of the Fallen and add plenty of replayability.

Information regarding the Master of Fate update, detailing the new modifiers you can use.

“We’d like to thank the many players who have embarked upon Mournstead since we launched six months ago; their belief in our vision has been a real driving force for us. In response to their support for the game, we expanded the period of live support for Lords of the Fallen with an ambitious post-launch roadmap,” Lords of the Fallen Executive Producer and Hexworks Head of Studio, Saul Gascon says. “Reaching Version 1.5 with the Master of Fate update and its genuinely groundbreaking modifier system marks the completion of that roadmap, making the Lords of the Fallen experience the best it’s ever been.”

Despite the introduction of a ton of updates for the game, the Steam reviews following the introduction of the 1.5 patch have continued much as before with most negative reviews calling out stuttering and performance problems. Though developer Hexworks refers to Master of Fate as the completion of the game’s post-launch roadmap, it’s yet to be seen if continued optimization is still on the cards for the soulslike.

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If you’d like to check out the full patch notes you can do so over on Steam, where from Monday, April 29, you’ll also be able to grab the game with 50% off.

Should this start a brand new playthrough for you, our guide to the best Lords of the Fallen classes will get your dark path started in an optimal manner. If instead you’re looking for more repeatable action in your life, our guide to the best roguelike games you can play on PC should get you something you’ll love.

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