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Titanfall 2 is out tonight - here’s when, so you can prepare to probably cry over a dead robot

Titanfall 2 release time

I have no idea what’s going to happen at the end of Titanfall 2’s single-player campaign, but if I’m not bawling my eyes out over a robot corpse for the first time since, well, that Bastion short, I’ll be disappointed. All that and more hits PC tonight, and in case you’re wondering exactly when you can go wall-running and double-jumping into holy Titan matrimony, we’ve got the times below.

In a strong year, how will the robot-riding sequel stand up to the best PC games of 2016?

As is the EA standard, it’s sadly not a worldwide simultaneous release. Depending on region, it will be roughly midnight tonight. Here’s the breakdown:

  • In Europe it all kicks off at midnight CEST. That’s 11pm October 27 BST if you’re in the UK.
  • Over in the US it’s midnight EDT. That’s 9pm on the west coast. However it is several hours after your European friends will be playing. Sorry.
  • Further East, in the likes of India and Hong Kong, it’s actually only a couple of hours away from the writing of this post. 11pm Hong Kong Time tonight.

For the release time in your local zone, check the Titanfall 2 listing on Origin, which has both a time and a countdown to keep you right. We should all, at least, be able to play by this time tomorrow.

If you’d rather wait to see how it performs, we’re awaiting code to give it the customary port review.