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You can call in a civilian militia in The Division 2

the division 2 civilian militia

A big part of The Division 2 is that it’s not just about a group of government agents trying to restore order after a deadly event, it’s about civilians finding strength to do it for themselves.

“When you look at a lot of the dystopian worlds today, it’s super bleak,” creative director Julian Gerighty said on a GameSpot livestream. “There is no hope.” That’s what he’s made regular people a major theme of the new game – “The Division has to be about regaining some sense of a new normal.”

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So what you’ll see in The Division 2 is civilians “go out into the world, find resources, find resource locations, find control points, and take control of those to secure supply routes.”

To emphasise this point, Gerighty said that the demo on the show floor focused on you trying to take a control point, and to help, “you can even call in a civilian militia.”

You can see the focus on civilians in The Division 2’s cinematic trailer:

I really like the sound of this new focus on civilians, and the hints at how much more dynamic they will be. Though it does make The Division 2’s release date feel a long way. How are we going to pass the time until March next year? I guess I could start work on a mega virus I’ve been dreaming about. Now if only I could think of a way to deliver it…?