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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ next update is on the PTR

The Maw's new zone is open for exploration but raid testing doesn't kick off for a few days

One of the raid bosses from WoW: Shadowlands' Chains of Domination raid

Fancy giving World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ Chains of Domination update a spin? Now you can, as Blizzard has stuck it on the PTR for testing. The update went live in the wee hours of the morning here in the UK, with Blizzard providing a healthy serving of patch notes to fill you in on what it all entails.

You’re getting to try out new covenant campaign chapters with 40 new renown levels to hit. There’s also a new zone in the Maw to explore called Korthia. While you’re there, you can try out some of the Archivist and Dreadlord quest lines or the Visitor dailies. You can also try out the new Maw Assaults or Tormentors of Torghast additions.

You’ll have to wait a few days to try the Sanctum of Domination raid, though, as Blizzard isn’t starting testing until April 16. When that day comes, you’ll be able to test the Tarragrue and Guardian of the First Ones encounters. The raid itself takes place in Torghast, tasking you with swatting aside nine bosses before you get to take on the Banshee Queen.

Initially revealed at BlizzCon, Chains of Domination is set to feature a new storyline, raid, and another mega-dungeon. You can try a good chunk of that here, though you may have to wait until the update lands before you can try the new dungeon unless Blizzard fancies lobbing it in for testing.

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As for the story, this one picks up after the defeat of the Venthyr covenant leader and head honcho of Revendreth, Sire Denathrius. To thwart more evil schemes, you’ll be plunging to new depths of the Jailer’s domain. Winning the day means uniting the four renewed covenants together and defeating the Jailer’s new champion, but we reckon you’re up to the job.

If you’re feeling somewhat nostalgic, though, Blizzard is also testing WoW Classic’s Karazhan raid from Burning Crusade. That one kicked off yesterday, though, and is wrapping up today, so you better be quick if you fancy trying it.