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Some of WoW’s long-forgotten weapons and transmogs are back

World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.1.5 brings back the old Scholomance, as Blizzard lets you farm for WoW transmogs and recipes that were seemingly lost to time.

Some of WoW’s long-forgotten weapons and transmogs are back

Some old-school World of Warcraft transmogs and recipes are back in the Blizzard MMO game, but you just need to know where to look. World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria saw the old Scholomance undergo a big change, but you can now go back to that version of the dungeon and farm loot lost to time to your heart’s content.

As a 20-year-old game with nine expansions, there are a lot of cosmetics and items in World of Warcraft. With all that history, a lot of transmogs and recipes have been lost as Blizzard has updated the game and changed specific areas. However, yesterday’s World of Warcraft 10.1.5 patch has given us the ability to get some of these back – if you know how.

Basically, the Scholomance dungeon in WoW has both a pre and post-Mists of Pandaria expansion version, and with 10.1.5 you can actually gain access to the old version of Scholomance, which holds an array of transmogs and recipes that you can no longer find across the world of Azeroth.

So if you want to dive back into old Scholomance and farm for some unique items and recipes for weapon crafting that were previously just gone forever, now you can.

Access old Scholomance in World of Warcraft

There are a handful of steps to getting back to old Scholomance for all your farming needs in World of Warcraft, so we’ve broken down the steps here – which the community worked really hard to put together (via Wowhead).

  • One party member needs the Krastinov’s Bag of Horrors spawn from Doctor Theolen Krastinov in new Scholomance
  • Complete a run of Scholomance, go to Krastinov’s old room, and loot Eva’s Femur from the top left side
  • Then use the Bag of Horrors, Eva’s ghost will spawn and you unequip it and talk to her for the Spectral Essence trinket
  • Then, at Eva’s old spot outside Scholomance, she’ll ask you to look for her journal and five candles
  • You’ll find the journal in Scholomance’s viewing room, as it’s noticeably brighter
  • All of the candles can be traded with people in Caer Darrow
  • Take all the items to the building of the Scholomance instance, but go right and to the top right room of the building, use Eva’s journal – all your account characters now have access to old Scholomance

You can see how to enter old Scholomance live in Studen Albatroz’s video below.

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As the medium patch for WoW Dragonflight has now rolled out, you’ll want to take another look at our World of Warcraft Dragonflight tier list, which helps identify the best class and spec whether you’re leveling or raiding during 10.1.

In weirder WoW news, Blizzard recently told players to stop jumping, as the action – while second nature for many players – was actually causing disconnects.

While we can’t get old Scholomance unlocked for you, we can help you with the best WoW addons available right now, alongside any and all essential multiplayer games you need to give a try.