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WoW Dragonflight accidentally brings back Shadowlands’ best raid

If you're missing the hallowed halls of WoW Shadowlands' Castle Nathria raid, you can apparently queue for it using World of Warcraft Dragonflight's LFR tool.

An undead creature with huge horns, flowing white hair, and red eyes looks into the camera over his red and gold armor clad shoulder grimacing against a bleak landscape backdrop seen from his window

While World of Warcraft Shadowlands certainly wasn’t the MMORPG‘s best installment, I’d be lying if I said that its zones weren’t absolutely spectacular. From the cobalt blue forests of Ardenweald to the gloomy gothic paradise of Revendreth – I fell in love with WoW Shadowlands’ aesthetic. Of the expansion’s three different raids, however, my favorite was always Castle Nathria, and somehow it has managed to make a sudden reappearance in the Dragonflight LFR queue.

Perched high over the washed-out gray and red world of Revendreth, Castle Nathria is WoW Shadowlands’ first raid of three, and features the lovable yet oh-so hateable Sire Denathrius as its tenth and most powerful boss.

However, as we cycle through into WoW Dragonflight, Shadowlands’ best raid has left the ‘looking for raid’ (LFR) queue in favor of Vault of the Incarnates and Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible. Well, that’s the theory anyway – it turns out the raid is actually available in LFR on live servers. Why? That’s a good question.

First spotted on the game’s subreddit by u/NinnyBoggy, Castle Nathria appears to be back on the LFR menu following the latest patch, and is apparently tuned for 9.0. It looks like you can pick up its associated transmogs, too, so it’s worth diving into for that alone. You can see Maizou, a Void Elf Hunter, queuing for the raid in the image below.

An image of a player queuing for Castle Nathria in WoW Dragonflight in the healer role

Some players have spotted that the raid is actually scaling you down to Level 60 so that you don’t simply blast through it and farm all of the loot. Others have claimed, however, that while you’re scaling down to Level 60, your stats remain the same, so it’s a lot easier to tear through Castle Nathria’s vicious inhabitants and claim yourself some shiny new prizes – after all, the level cap increased to 70 coming into Dragonflight.

If the latter is indeed the case, I’d recommend firing up WoW, grabbing your raid group, and giving Castle Nathria a try. Some of the transmogs on offer look amazing (as a Shadow Priest main, I adore the plague doctor vibes the cloth armor gives me), and given that you can get them relatively easily, it’s worth a shot – especially because I assume Blizzard is going to patch this out pretty quickly.

Planning to dive in and wipe that smarmy grin off of Denathrius’ stupidly handsome face? Make sure you check out our list of the best WoW addons to help you out, as well as our WoW Dragonflight tier list to see which characters you should take into the heart of Revendreth.