Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to Cyanide Studio’s Warhammer football clash, is due to launch on September 22nd. Initially due to be out this month, the developers have decided to keep it back for a few weeks to polish their studs and trim the grass.
As an thank you to all their patient fans, Cyanide and publisher Focus Home Interactive will be offering one of two races as a pre-order bonus to those who stay committed: the slimy Lizardmen or the antler obsessed Wood Elves.
First, here’s a new trailer that shows off the game’s campaign mode in action:
“We can now officially announce that Blood Bowl 2 will be releasing September 22.” announced Cyanide in a press release. “The game was delayed by a few weeks compared with its initial release planned this June, in order to ensure that players would enjoy the most polished foundations for the next generation Blood Bowl experience as possible.
“As a thank you for your support and patience, players will receive an extra Blood Bowl 2 race (including its own AI, design, skills, and their Star Players): the Lizardmen or the Wood Elves during pre-order campaign on consoles and PC.”
Additionally, PC players who do pre-order will be able to smash helmets early with a “multiplayer beta demo”, which will be available a few weeks before launch.
Don’t forget to check out both the Chaos and the Orks in action in their respective trailers, but you may want to wear a gumshield before hand.