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Call of Duty’s SDCC narrative panel is all about spaceships, backstory and Kit Harington

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare SDCC panel

I’ll admit it: deep narrative is not the first thing I think about when Call of Duty comes to mind. It is mostly about clicking on heads for me, and beyond the addition of Kevin Spacey I’m rarely too bothered about the whos, whats or whys. Infinite Warfare’s massive changes to the formula – zero-g combat, space-flight, futuristic aircraft, robots and the like – make it harder to ignore, and at SDCC Infinity Ward showed up to explains how they’ve written their new world and the space-carriers involved.

Excited? Here’s the rest of what we know about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

The full thing has been uploaded to the Call of Duty YouTube channel:

They go over how research was done to decide what the future will be like, combining modern-day American navy with NASA’s spaceship style, as well as the game’s basic premise of an isolated world building an invasion fleet and attacking Earth. At around the 13 minute mark there’s a mini-vignette from Kit Harington (he’s the one with the pretty hair from Game of Thrones) talking about his role as the main villain, Salen Kotch.

Actually on the panel, along with narrative director Taylor Kurosaki and director of photography Jeff Negus, was Brian Bloom. If you’re thinking you’ve heard that name before, it’s probably because his words have serenaded you in a number of games, including XCOM 2 and the modern Wolfensteins. He’s also a writer – that’s right, Central Officer Bradford/B.J. Blazkowicz has written a Call of Duty game. Life is perfect.

Game’s out come November 4, and looks like the best the series has been in years, single-player wise. Here’s the latest trailer, including spine-attaching spider-drones and low-orbit dogfighting.