New Netflix animated series Castlevania: Nocturne stars Richter Belmont in a spin-off of the popular videogame Netflix adaptation. The new series, which was hinted at previously, has been announced with a teaser trailer as part of Netflix’s Geeked Week, and will focus on Richter – a distant descendant of the original show’s Trevor Belmont.
The show is currently in production by Powerhouse Animation, the animation team behind the original Castlevania Netflix series, but a release date has yet to be announced. It will also feature young vampire hunter Maria Renard, who appears alongside Richter in Castlevanias: Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, and Nocturne of Recollection. The presentation also confirms that Castlevania: Nocturne is set during the events of the French Revolution in 1792.
The original animated adaptation of Castlevania, which starred Richard Armitage as Trevor Belmont, Alejandra Reynoso as Sypha Belnades, James Callis as Alucard, and Graham McTavish as Dracula, received plenty of praise and celebration when it first released on the streaming service. This led to it being renewed for a total of four seasons, and word of a follow-up series starring Richter was originally teased at Geeked Week 2021.
You can watch the announcement trailer below:
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