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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be fully ghostable; includes boss fights says game director

Deus Ex: Humankind Divided Ghost

Eidos Montreal’s game director for the recently announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Jean-François Dugas, has confirmed that players will be able to ghost – the act of remaining unseen and undetected – the entire game, including the boss fights.

Do you remember the boss fights in Deus Ex: Human Revolution? They were very unpleasant and jarring affairs for all players, especially ghost playthroughs; the result of being outsourced during development. Thankfully, the game’s ultimate director’s cut fixed a lot of the issues, so new players won’t experience the same woes.

But with a new Deus Ex around the corner, everyone has been asking the same question: will the boss fights be better this time around?

The answer to that question appears to be promising, after one fan asked Eidos Montreal’s game director, Jean-François Dugas, directly over Twitter:

It remains to be seen exactly how players will be able to ghost the boss fights, but it’s likely that there’ll be some non-violent methods of dealing with them, instead of just ignoring them completely.