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Gaze at all the games you don’t own with Epic Games Store wishlists

The Epic Games Store's now got wishlists

Epic Games Wishlists

Fortnite developer Epic Games has at last added wishlists to the Epic Games Store. This means you’ll now be able to keep track of all the upcoming PC games and best PC games you’ve got your eye on in one place.

The studio’s announced the news on the Epic Store, with a run-down of how the feature works. Similarly to the equivalent feature on rival platform Steam, Epic’s new addition will let you tap a button on a game’s store page – in this case, a little heart icon – to add it to your own wishlist. You can do this either through the web store or the Epic Games Launcher.

But it’s not just a way of keeping an eye out for releases and discounts – Epic also says it’ll use your wishlist to help it flag games you might like to you. “To start, we’ll be adding filtering and smart searching of items you’ve added to your wishlist. In future iterations, we plan to add email notifications when your wishlisted titles are discounted, or change status (such as a launch, or becoming available for pre-purchase).” Sweet.

If you want to access your very own wishlist, you can get to it via this link (once you’re signed in, of course).

The developer also says it’s got some plans for “some improvements for future iterations” and welcomes user feedback in helping it get these right. You can also check out the other plans Epic’s got in the works via its Trello board. The wishlists are currently in the ‘Up Next’ pile, alongside ‘Storefront – Trending’, mod support for games, and self-service refunds.