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Here’s what it’s like to play the evil dead in Evil Dead

Here's the Evil Dead game villains side at work, complete with killer trees, rude hands, and mini-Bruce Campbells.

Evil Dead villains side will be playable

It’s just two months until the release of Evil Dead: The Game and the latest trailer for the upcoming horror game showcases what it’s like to actually play the titular Evil Dead. Much like in Dead By Daylight, players can control a killer – except here, the Deadites can mess with other players’ heads.

While there are single-player elements in Evil Dead: The Game, it’s primarily an asymmetrical multiplayer game in the style of Dead By Daylight or Friday The 13th – with four players controlling human characters and another commanding the Evil Dead themselves, or the “Kandarian demons” as developer Boss Team Games calls them.

Previous videos have kept the focus on the human characters, but now the team is finally showing off the villain side. The trailer shows off three major groups of Deadites. “Warlord” is the classic undead side, led by the fat, floating zombie Henrietta. “Necromancer” is based on the third movie Army of Darkness, and is led by the decomposing Bad Ash. “Puppeteer” consists of demons from the more recent Ash vs Evil Dead series.

Aside from just trying to hunt down and kill the human players, the Deadites have numerous sneaky tricks at their disposal. They can possess players to do their bidding for a time, and there are numerous traps too – including killer trees and loot chests with nasty surprises, such as mini-Bruce Campbells or severed hands that flip you off before trying to strangle you.

Evil Dead: The Game will release on May 13, and is an Epic Games Store exclusive on PC.