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GoldenEye 007 fan remake returns to Far Cry 5 with “Bond-related” changes

Three years and 1,400 hours of work later to rebuild GoldenEye in Far Cry 5, Ubisoft deletes it over a copyright claim.

GoldenEye FC5

July 01, 2021 The fan-made remake has returned with several tweaks.

The fan-made GoldenEye 007 remake has returned to Far Cry 5, albeit under a different name. As spotted by TechRaptor, the levels are now available on PC and PS4 with some “Bond-related” tweaks. Creator Krollywood explains on Reddit that it can now be found on PC by searching for the stage name “Golden Cry” by creator Graslu00, and on PS4 under creator name Perfect-Dark1982. Xbox will “come later”, explains Krollywood.

Original story: A Far Cry fan spent three years and around 1,400 hours completely remaking Nintendo 64 classic GoldenEye using Far Cry 5’s Arcade map editor – only to have Ubisoft delete it as soon as it was complete, thanks to “copyright infringement claims” from rights holder MGM.

YouTuber Krollywood painstakingly recreated GoldenEye – still the greatest James Bond game and one of the best FPS games of all time – within Far Cry 5 and had basically finished it, barring the two bonus levels, only to find them gone earlier this week. In a statement by Ubisoft (thanks Kotaku), the publisher explained that the maps “have been removed due to copyright infringement claims from a right [sic] holder” – meaning MGM, who somehow found out about the remake (thanks Kotaku... kidding).

“I’m really sad,” Krollywood told Kotaku, “not because of myself or the work I put in the last three years, [but] because of the players who wanna play it or bought Far Cry just to play my levels.”

Aside from the wasted hours, it’s not entirely clear how this fan creation violates any copyright concerns. Aside from being based on the level design of the 24-year-old N64 game, all assets used were from Far Cry 5, and no direct connection to any James Bond elements were used by Krollywood.

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Elsewhere in the world of GoldenEye-inspired projects, modders are making a VR version within Half-Life: Alyx, and a full remake within Unreal Engine 4 is still in development – albeit without the GoldenEye name. There’s even a GoldenEye Doom mod, too.