Just last week the RTX 3050 Ti was spotted on the specs of an upcoming gaming laptop. Now, we’ve seen Geekbench scores for the laptop variants of both the 3050 and its Ti sibling, courtesy of leaker Tum_Apisak. Whilst there’s no official word from Nvidia on a desktop variant of the card, it’s quite likely given that one was spotted back in January on the listing for a prebuilt gaming PC.
Looking at the Geekbench scores, these cards could give budget gaming laptops a big step up. When it comes to PCs, desktop variants of the cards offer similar performance, so these could provide us with some idea of where the RTX 3050 and 3050 Ti may sit in the desktop GPU world. Could the 3050 Ti be a contender for the best graphics card when it comes to budget PC gaming?
The RTX 3050 Ti laptop card was spotted on Geekbench, placed in what looks like a future gaming laptop from Samsung, alongside an 11th gen i7 chip. An OpenCL benchmark score of 60,559 was given, which is very similar to the RTX 2060 Max-Q’s 60,417. It’s also an impressive 52.6% improvement over the GTX 1650 Ti’s mobile variant, which has an average score of 39,673 – a card found in many of the cheapest gaming laptops.
The Geekbench score for the cheaper RTX 3050 is based inside yet another Samsung laptop, this time paired with an Intel i5 11400H. An overall OpenCL score of 52,587 puts it 13% below the 3050 Ti – that’s not too far off, and when compared to the average score of GTX 1650 Max-Q, there’s an impressive boost of 45.4%.
If there are desktop variants of the 3050 series, similar performance increases could equate to some seriously competitive budget cards. Obviously, benchmark scores aren’t everything, especially leaked ones. The real-world performance of the card in the best PC games is the best measure of its performance and value, and we’re still in the dark for that.