The director of Remnant 2 is interested in doing something similar to the first Remnant’s Survival Mode, although they’ve made it clear that this isn’t a concrete plan right now, instead offering up an ‘unofficial’ explanation to what they hope developer Gunfire Games can do in the future.
Remnant 2 director David Adams would love to see something akin to the first Remnant’s Survival Mode in the co-op game sequel at some point but notes that it isn’t exactly something that’s on the cards for Gunfire Games as of right now.
Remnant From the Ashes added a Survival Mode in the Swamps of Corsus DLC, and it actually used some tried and true roguelike elements to help keep the experience feeling fresh. A mode like this is missing from Remnant 2, and Adams has given a noncommittal, if still hopeful, answer to fans.
“Right now, we are focused on the second DLC we’re working on. That’s the ‘official’ answer. The ‘unofficial’ answer is we would love to explore a new game mode. Maybe not exactly like Survival, but something that scratches the same itch.”
“As a team, we are pretty organic in our plans for the game… for instance, the Aberration event we did in October wasn’t some master planned update; it was something we tried out that we thought would be cool, so we released it to the players for free,” Adams tells eXputer. “The short answer is: who knows? We love the game and want to keep adding stuff to give more value to our players.”
So that’s a ‘no’ right now, but not a ‘no’ forever. Remnant 2’s 2024 plans include two more DLCs, and while we could see something in either of those Adams appears to indicate that it’s not on the cards for either.
If you’re thinking of jumping into the game ahead of next year’s extra DLC, we’ve got you covered with a look at all the Remnant 2 bosses and Remnant 2 Archetypes, to help you get up and running.
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