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Steam updates hint that the Resident Evil 4 Ada DLC may drop soon

Resident Evil 4 Ada DLC Separate Ways could finally be coming to the Capcom survival horror, as the developer makes substantial updates in the backend of Steam.

The Resident Evil 4 Ada DLC remains the single missing piece from Capcom’s superlative survival horror game remake. A terrific shooter, with the entire Mercenaries mode and much more, the new RE4 remains one of the best remakes ever – but without Ada Wong and Separate Ways, it still feels incomplete. Fortunately, the super spy in the red dress might finally be arriving in Resident Evil 4 Remake, or at least on her way very soon, as Capcom makes a series of changes to the Resident Evil 4 Steam page, and also books its place at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show. The longstanding question, ‘is Separate Ways in Resident Evil 4 Remake?’ might soon have an answer.

Separate Ways did not launch with the original version of Resident Evil 4, but was added as an individual campaign to the survival game’s PS2 port. Telling the story of Ada parallel to Leon and Ashley, it almost feels like an entirely new single-player game, and with a few gaps remaining in the story and lore of Resident Evil 4 Remake, we’re all eagerly waiting for Separate Ways’ revamped version.

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On Monday, September 4, Tuesday, September 5, and today, Wednesday, September 6, Capcom has made significant changes and updates to the Resident Evil 4 Remake Steam backend. All of these changes relate to a depot called ‘re_mas’ which is possibly a shortened version of ‘Resident Evil master,’ maybe hinting at significant changes or additions to the RE4 base game.

Resident Evil 4 Ada DLC: Updates to the Resident Evil 4 Steam page made by Capcom and perhaps hinting at the Separate Ways DLC

At the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom is scheduled to reveal more about the Resident Evil 4 Remake VR mode that is coming to PSVR 2. Since the official VR mode is currently exclusive to the PlayStation 5, it seems unlikely that the recent Steam updates have any connection.

The sheer optimist in me wants to say Capcom is preparing the Steam page for the launch of Separate Ways. The less hopeful part of me says it might be more updates to Mercenaries, or maybe just a big patch or bug fix. But let’s stay positive. Separate Ways could well be on its way.

Check out some of the other best zombie games, if you’re hungry (no pun intended) for more Resident Evil-style thrills. You’ll also want to mark your calendar with the best upcoming games, so you can see what’s on the way alongside – hopefully – some more Ada Wong.