When the first trailer for the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer dropped earlier this year some people were quick to voice their concerns about the iconic blue speedrunner’s appearance. In May the film’s director Jeff Fowler took to Twitter to announce that changes would be made, and that it would be delayed by several months. Now, it looks like changes have been made – and its producer thinks fans will be pleased with the results.
Executive producer Tim Miller has told Variety (via GameSpot) that he’s seen the Sonic redesign, and while it hasn’t been unveiled publicly yet, he thinks it’s a winner. He was asked if he’s seen it, and responded “in fact I have. And I think fans will be pleased”.
Miller told the site “look, I was with fans and so was Jeff. When the s**t hit the fan, I went over there and said ‘the most important thing to do, man, is say, ‘I f**ked up’. He’d already sent a tweet out an hour before I got there. He’s a good man. It was exactly the right way to handle that. The fans have a voice in this too. There’s a right way to listen.”
The release date might have been pushed back to February 14, 2020, but given Miller’s comments, signs are now looking good that we’ll be ready to fall in love with the all-new Sonic next Valentine’s Day.
If you missed the original trailer that sparked off this change, or just want to get a look at those teeth again, check out the official trailer above.
Related: Check out the best platform games on PC
In the meantime, you can try out some of the best PC games while you’re waiting for Sonic to hit cinemas next year.