Tower of Fantasy, a Genshin Impact-style animated adventure, is set to release in the West on August 11, but it has already lured in over three million pre-registrations from beta tests alone.
Channeling Tevyat with its stunning, anime-style visuals and colourful cast of characters, Tower of Fantasy has already taken China by storm. Following in the footsteps of Korean title Lost Ark, the devs have set their sights on a Western audience, likely influenced by just how popular MiHoYo’s Genshin Impact has become in recent years.
With Tower of Fantasy’s release date pegged for August 11, players will be able to dive into the neo-dystopian open world adventure and check it out for themselves.
It turns out that, even although it isn’t even out yet, Tower of Fantasy is already a hit, garnering over three million sign-ups in advance of its official launch.
According to the official press release, Tower of Fantasy has carried over millions of players from its beta testing, enticing them back into its animated universe with a slew of pre-order bonuses.
“Over three million players have signed up for the game,” it reads, with the current total sitting at 3,070,356 pre-registered users. This number is continually on the increase, visible on the website as a player counter. The website has some really soothing music, too, so it’s worth checking out for that alone.
This only includes players that have signed up for the mobile version via the game’s website, and doesn’t include players that have wishlisted it on platforms like Steam or the Epic Games store. In reality, the number could be a lot higher.
You can pre-load Tower of Fantasy from August 9, with the servers opening officially on August 11. If you can’t wait until then, though, you can dive into Genshin Impact to sate your open world woes – especially because there’s a whole slew of action-packed Genshin Impact events lurking on the horizon.