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The sequel to the best World War I game ever finally arrives on Steam

Valiant Hearts The Great War sequel Coming Home is out now on Steam, more than a year after its initial release through the Netflix library.

The sequel to the best WW1 game ever is finally on Steam - A cartoon soldier from Ubisoft game Valiant Hearts Coming Home.

When I think of the best war games ever made, I’m struck less by the bombast of Battlefield, Call of Duty, or War Thunder, and more by those games that evoke the powerful emotions of human conflict. This War of Mine will always stay with me. 2023’s Amnesia: The Bunker is a fantastic modern example. And then there’s Valiant Hearts: The Great War. The masterful Ubisoft Montpellier creation focuses on four small, interweaving stories and truly drives home the brutal realities of WWI in an unforgettable and often devastating way. Now, more than a year after its initial release, you can finally get the sequel on Steam.

Valiant Hearts: Coming Home is a direct sequel to The Great War, picking up where that game concluded. Like its predecessor, it follows the stories of four main characters: Freddie’s brother James, Allied pilot George, German diver Ernst, and the returning Belgian vet-turned-nurse Anna. It keeps the muted 2D cartoon look that helped cement the original as one of the most memorable war games of all time.

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Like the first, the gameplay is a mixture of narrative-driven exploration, puzzles, stealth, and action sequences. It features numerous real locations and battles from World War I, along with plenty of historical facts and photos to teach you a little more about the real-world conflict and the stories the games are based on.

Originally launched in January 2023 as a mobile game via the Netflix game library on iOS and Android, an HD version of Valiant Hearts: Coming Home was released in March 2024 for the Ubisoft Connect launcher, but you can now get it on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

Valiant Hearts: Coming Home is out now on Steam and the Epic Games Store. Expect to pay $14.99 / £12.99, or you can get it in a bundle with the original with a 16% discount, priced at $25.18 / £21.40. If you’re interested in seeing Ubisoft’s follow-up, head right here to get your copy.

Alternatively, extend your purview to the Second World War and take a look through the best WW2 games on PC. We’ve also rounded up all the best story games that you need to see for yourself.

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