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Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 release date, story, latest news

Saber Interactive has fans on the edge of their seats with the upcoming Space Marine 2 release date, so let's round up what we know so far.

Lieutenant Titus in Space Marine 2

When is the Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 release date? The game is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2011 third-person shooter hack-n-slasher of the same name, only instead of the Orkz, it’s the Tyrannids who will be meeting the sharp end of a Chainsword’s rotating blades. With the excitement around the sequel growing, what do we know about Space Marine 2?

Using a combination of trailers, press releases, and developer interviews, we have collated and refined this article to provide you with a concentrated view of everything there’s to know about Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2. We will continue to update this guide as we learn more about what will hopefully be one of the best action-adventure games this year.

The Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 release date of September 9, 2024, in a trailer screenshot

Space Marine 2 release date

The Space Marine 2 release date is Monday, September 9, 2024, and it will be available on PC via Steam, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5. Those who buy the Gold or Collector’s Edition can play Space Marine 2 three days earlier.

This comes after a significant delay was announced at the end of 2023, with the new date announced in a trailer that debuted at The Game Awards. Those who preorder the game will receive the Macragge’s Chosen DLC, which includes the “Ultramarine Inspired skin set”. This comprises a unique bolter skin, chainsword skin, and the “Crux Terminatus” pauldron.

Both the Gold and Collector’s Edition versions come with Season Pass access, while the Focus Entertainment store exclusive Collector’s Edition also includes an artbook and a Lieutenant Titus resin statue. On a semi-related note, during the Warhammer Skulls 2024 event, we got confirmation that no microtransactions would be present in Space Marine 2.

Initially slated for a winter 2023 release date, the announcement of the last Space Marine 2 delay came via the Focus Entertainment notes. Seeing the game pushed back into 2024 didn’t surprise us, as we hadn’t seen much gameplay.

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Space Marine 2 trailers

World Premiere Reveal trailer

So far, Focus Entertainment has released four major Space Marine 2 trailers, the first being at The Game Awards 2021. It shows almost no gameplay but still gives watchers a good indication of what to expect.

Gameplay Reveal trailer

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The second trailer, presented at The Game Awards 2022, giving fans their first true look at what Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 has to offer. It is important to note that ‘Alpha Footage – Subject to Change’ is watermarked at the bottom, meaning that what we see might not end up in the final game.

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Skulls Showcase Gameplay trailer

A quick one-minute snippet, this Skulls Showcase Gameplay trailer gave us a quick peek look at Space Marine 2’s hack-and-slash gameplay with some third-person shooting in between. At the end, there’s even a look at the Collector’s Edition featuring the Lieutenant Titus statue.

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Extended Gameplay trailer

An in-depth dive into Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, this trailer gave us the biggest look at the title’s gameplay yet. From a mission’s prelude to a bloodied battle where you use all the tools at your disposal, this would be enough to get any Space Marine excited if they weren’t already.

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Release Date Reveal trailer

Briefly just over 30 seconds, this quick trailer showing off a bit more gameplay ended with the long-awaited reveal of Space Marine 2’s release date of September 9, 2024.

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Co-op Campaign Reveal trailer

A year after the first gameplay reveal trailer, Summer Game Fest 2023 debuted our first look at Space Marine 2’s co-op mode. The 90-second video flashes between weapons, ships, and the galactic war, alternating shots of gameplay and cinematics.

Continuing the theme of only releasing trailers during significant industry events, Focus Entertainment showed the fourth Space Marine 2 trailer at The Game Awards 2023. This time, we got a release window, which is cool, but no exact date just yet.

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Multiplayer Modes Reveal trailer

Those who love to play with friends will love everything revealed in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2’s trailer Multiplayer Modes Reveal trailer. Alongside 3-player co-op, the two-minute trailer also gives us a look into the game’s three 6v6 PvP modes – Annihilation, Sieze Ground, and Capture & Control.

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Summer Game Fest trailer

Part of Geoff Keighley’s Summer Games Fest, Space Marine 2 popped up once again to remind us of its epic campaign and excitingly violent gameplay. It was more or less a trailer for its June Gameplay Overview trailer, but it did the job nonetheless.

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Gameplay Overview trailer

Featuring Creative Director Oliver Hollis-Leick, the Gameplay Overview trailer took us through a bit of everything of what Space Marine 2 has to offer. This covered the game’s story, game modes, progression, and multiplayer modes.

The Chainsword from a Space Marine 2 gameplay trailer

Space Marine 2 gameplay

From what we’ve seen so far, Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 will play similarly to its predecessor, meaning gameplay will be a mixture of third-person shooter and hack-n-slash. Players will take on the role of Lieutenant Titus of the Ultramarines 2nd Chapter, a genetically augmented transhuman soldier who fights for the Imperium of Man against its enemies, whether they be the mutant, the heretic, or, in this case, the alien.

We can expect Tyranids, an extragalactic race of insectoid aliens, as the main enemy. In many ways, similar to the Orks that players faced in the original Warhammer 40k Space Marine game, Tyranid battle tactics rely on superior numbers in close combat, and from the trailer, it looks like we can expect to see that translated into gameplay.

To overcome the enemy, you will use an arsenal fit only for a Space Marine. At range, you will use weapons like the Boltgun, which fires self-propelled .75-caliber bolts that explode on impact with their target. Other weapons seen in the trailer include the Meltagun and Bolt Pistol.

When enemies get too close, it’s time to switch to close combat, and Space Marine 2 has you covered with its selection of melee weapons, such as the Thunder Hammer, Power Sword, and the iconic Chain Sword, a blade with a chainsaw-like edge.

3-player co-op gameplay in Space Marine 2

Space Marine 2 will also be getting a co-op mode similar to that of Helldivers 2. Our news editor Lauren Bergin spoke with Space Marine 2 creative director Oliver Hollis-Leick about the new PvE operations mode, which supports three players that can spec into one of six classes.

The actions of the players also tie into the main story, as Hollis-Leick explains, “They’re handling objectives that contribute towards Titus’ campaign, and you’ll be able to communicate with them in real-time over Vox. So, you’ll hear one conversation in the campaign with Titus, and then you’ll get to play the other side of that radio conversation as those PvE Space Marines and see what hell was breaking loose in the background of that call. It’s a nice way to have a very replayable system of gameplay, but to fill in more of the picture of this ongoing war.”

During our interview with Hollis-Leick, we also got an idea of just how much pressure is on the developers to get Space Marine 2 right. “The pressure has been non-stop. It’s well known that we delayed the release of our game [to ensure it launches well]. We felt that it was critical to polish it and do as much as we can, under our control, to make it ready to rock from the moment people get their hands on it. I think that’s mitigated a lot of the concern, and I was pleased to see fans react well to that – we were worried that they’d be very angry, but most people said ‘thank you for not releasing a broken game.”

Sylvain Le Roux, senior brand manager for Focus Entertainment added that “there’s no bigger pressure than the pressure we put on ourselves.” If you’re worried about this new, improved gameplay running on your PC, you can check out the Space Marine 2 system requirements so you’re adequately prepared.

Space Marine 2 release date: Tyrius is shooting over the Imperial Guardsmen at a horde of Tyrannids.

Space Marine 2 story

From the trailers, we can assume that Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 occurs sometime after the first Warhammer 40k: Space Marine game. We know that Lieutenant Titus, formerly Captain, has been demoted following the events of the first game, where he was taken into custody by Inquisitor Thrax under suspicion of being a heretic and conspiring with the forces of Chaos. We also know that Titus is now sporting a new Mark X Power Armor suit, worn primarily by Primaris Space Marines.

The story takes place across two planets during the fourth Tyranid War and shows Titus becoming faster and more muscular after undergoing the Rubicon Primaris. This surgery enhances Space Marines, meaning he’ll be quite the powerhouse.

If you can’t wait to play Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2, check out our list of all the best Warhammer 40k games on PC. If nothing else, you’ll have a great time and learn all the lore going into Space Marine 2. If you prefer fantasy settings but still love Games Workshop, we have a list of the best Warhammer games you can play right now. Our friends at Wargamer have also got some handy information on the Space Marines and all the Warhammer 40k factions you can play as.