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Watch out, Nazis! Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus has a “fearless” story

Wolfenstein The New Colossus

It wasn’t so long ago that this headline would have merited a shrug – ‘the best Wolfenstein story’ wasn’t saying much before MachineGames took over the series.

Related: the best FPS games on PC.

But Wolfenstein: The New Order told a tense, sophisticated tale around its shooting, and The New Colossus will pick up exactly where it left off.

Yes, BJ Blazkowicz is still a straightforward, angry Nazi-killer with primitive motivations. But he’s about to become a dad. That means he’s invested in the future he’s fighting for.

What’s more, the fight has come home, from Europe to America. Here, we’ll get to see the Nazi-fication of diners and parades in an alternate 1961. The villainous Frau Engel is back too, and she has a “beef” with BJ that’ll follow him from Manhattan, through Roswell, to New Orleans.

“What I love about making Wolfenstein games is that we’ve been given this amazing freedom to do things that are absolutely fearless from a story perspective,” creative director Jens Matthies says. “But we get to do it in a way where you, as a player, can be 100% invested and be respected.

“We’re not dumbing things down. We do a lot of dumb things, but that’s because they’re fun. It’s never done in a way that’s disrespectful to the world, or the environment, or the characters, or the player. We feel like this is the best story that we’ve ever made.”

This is the game Pete Hines once referred to as “f***ing bananas”. It’s out on October 27th.